Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Nightmare Before Christmas


In the Tim Burton movie, The Nightmare before Christmas, Jack Skellington is the king of the holiday Halloween, but after many years of doing the same thing over and over again he gets bored with his life and wants something new.

Sally-- sees a vision of what is going to happened to Christmas so she is worried about Jack. She tries to stop him, but Jack is off in his own world working on his holiday.

Oggie Boggie -- Then there's the evil Oggie Boggie Man that will eat and destroy anything. Lock, Shock and Barrel kidnapped Santa Claus and Oggie Boggie is planing on eating him, therefore destroying Christmas.

The Plot

In the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack Skellington is getting bored of his life and wants something new. He goes for a walk with Zero his dog, where he comes across the doors of the different holidays. When he comes across a door that looks like a Christmas tree, Jack gets interested in the door and gets sucked into it from a wind. Jack is interested in everything that is going on in Christmas Town. The people of Halloween town are freaking out because Jack had left. Jack comes back and tells everyone about the magic of Christmas Town, Jack tries to figure out what Christmas is the concept of it. Then Jack announces to everyone that Christmas would be theirs this year. While he is getting ready for Christmas Jack sends Lock, Shock and Barrel to kidnap Santa Claus so he wouldn't be in the way. Santa is shocked when he sees everyone in Halloween Town, Jack tells him that he doesn't need to be worry about Christmas this year. Then Jack tells Lock, Shock and Barrel to take care of Santa Claus. Doing the exact opposite of what Jack says and gives Santa Claus to Oggie Boggie. Spoiler alert After Jack gets in the air with the sled and is delivering presents and ruining Christmas because what the people of Halloween town view as good and joyful regular people don't view that as so. When Jack gets shot down from the sky by the military he questions what he did, then he realizes that Christmas isn't for him because he's the Pumpkin King. Jack quickly gets back to Halloween Town to save Santa. When he arrives Santa is being dipped in to a pit of acid, but at the last moment Jacks saves him and has Oggie Boggie is escaping Jack grabs a string that is hanging out of him and his bag like skin falls off and all the bugs inside him start to fall into the acid. Jack apologizes to Santa and says he hopes there is still time to fix Christmas. Santa leaves and fixes everything. In the ending scene Sally and Jack are on a hill singing in the snow that Santa gives them by flying over Halloween Town.

My Opinion of the movie

I honestly loved this movie because I love Tim Burton and everything that he does in his movies. He makes the greatest characters in the universe in this movie. He makes them likable. Tim Burton is such a good story teller.  To be honest with you I didn't think that they would be able to get the love from Jack and Sally in the Movie, but they did. It just goes to show you that you shouldn't tamper with something that doesn't belong to you. Lastly, I think that all the music in the movie was amazing I wish I could put it all on here for you guys to listen to.

And of course my favorite song from the movie

Resources --


There are lots of interesting characters in this movie Wreck-it-Ralph, the main characters are the most important. The writers did add games characters that we all know and love such as, Pac-Man, Bowser (from Mario brothers), Dr.EggMan (from Sonic) and others.


Ralph -- is the main character he is a big lovable bad guy that only wants to be appreciated for what he does. The reason why he wants this is because the Nicelanders are always telling Fix-it-Flex how great of a job he is doing and at the end of every game when Ralph gets thrown off the top of the building Flex gets a medal. Ralph wants a medal as well so he goes on a search for one in other games.

Fix-it Felix is the good guy in his game and when he finds out in the movie that Ralph has gone out to find a medal he starts to get worried. This is because if Ralph leaves the game then the game isn't complete and they could get unplugged and all the characters would be game-less.

Calhoun-- Hero's Duty is another game in the arcade. She has an important role because when Ralph gets told that at the end of Hero's Duty you get a medal he goes to the game to climb the building and retrieves the medal. Calhoun has to help stop a dangerous virus that he ends up getting into the sweet little game Sugar Rush.

Vanellope -- she's the glitch in the game Sugar Rush, she has to hide in the game because she is an outcast.  All she wants to do is race, and win. There is a secret about Vanellope in the movie, but I can't tell you that.

Last in the game Sugar Rush there's a jolly, but evil king, named no other than King Candy. He is the one that makes sure that the glitch doesn't get to much freedom. He also has a secret that I cant tell you.

The Plot

Wreck-it-Ralph is all about being who you are and never changing that no matter how people treat you or how you feel inside. In the movie Ralph feels unappreciated for what he does, who could love a bad guy? When Ralph hears that you can get a medal in the game Hero's Duty he leaves his game and goes to Hero's Duty to get him the medal. While getting the medal he awakes a virus in the game (a cybug). The cybug was in the space craft with Ralph, they leaves Hero's Duty and land in Sugar Rush where he meats Vanellope. After thinking that he killed the cybug he went to go find his medal that landed in a tree. While trying to climb the tree Vanellope decides to take the medal not telling Ralph the reason why. In the game Sugar Rush you need one coin to enter the race, taking Ralph's medal Vanellope uses it like a coin to get entered in the race. The only way that Ralph can get his medal back is if he get Vanellope to win the race. King Candy finds Ralph and gives him his metal back not telling him how he got it. Ralph is confused, Vanellope runs out of Dite Cola mountain and gives Ralph a heart shaped cookie, withthe . Ralph destroys Vanellope's car because King Candy explains why Vanellope shouldn't race.  While all of this is going on the Fix-it-Flex Jr. game is going crazy. Felix goes out to find Ralph where he runs into Calhoun to help. When Calhoun and Felix find find Ralph it is already to late the race began and the cyborgs where destroying everything. Spoiler Alert In the end of the movie King Candy is trying to kill Vanellope this is where we learn that King Candy is Turbo. Turbo was one of the best racing games in the olden days Turbo wasn't happy about all the new games. Turbo went into other racing games and corrupted them that is why when game characters go into other games they call it Turboing. Turbo had created a perfect world to live in by taking Vanellope out of the software of the game which made her a glitch. After King Candy (Turbo) gets eaten by a cybug, Ralph, Felix and Calhoun try to get everyone out of the game before everything is completely destroyed. As a glitch Vanellope can't leave the game. Ralph knows that in order for the cyborgs to stop destroying everything they need a beacon of light to end their distortion. Ralph goes to Diet Cola Mountain to knock the mentos in to it to create an explosion to call all the cyborgs back. When he's up there he runs into Turbo (whatever a cybug eats they gain. Sorry should have mentioned that earlier) becoming the strongest virus in the arcade. While Turbo is making him watch Vanellope get attacked by cyborgs he risks his own life to save hers. By breaking free and diving right in to Dite Cola Mountain. Vanellope sees Ralph glitches to her car and saves his life in the end. In the end of the race after Vanellope crosses the finish line the game rests the whole game and the racers learn that Vanellope the glitch is princess of the whole game. As the movie comes to a close Ralph is talking about how his life has changed and the Nicelanders are being nice to him and even though he still has his same job his favorite part of the day is when the Nicelanders pick him up to throw him off the roof because he can see Vanellope racing. Ralph says "Turns out I don't need a medal to tell me I'm a good guy. Because if that little kid likes me, how bad can I be?"

Favorite quote of the movie - I'm bad, and that's good, and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be then me. 

My opinion of the movie

I think this is an amazing movie. I liked all the characters I loved the story line behind it and I love the ending and the song in the credits. Honestly call me a sap the end of this movie made me cry. I think this movie has a lot to tell kids and even adults. It doesn't matter who you are where you come from who your attracted to or anything for that matter. As long as you like who you are that's the only thing that matters and I know some people can't do that and that's fine you'll get there eventually. That's what Ralph learns in the end there's nothing that he can do about being a bad guy and he has to learn to work with what he has. All in all I think this is a great movie not just because of the great characters, but also because of the message behind it all. Oh and the power of friendship. That's important :)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Goofy Movie


In the movie Goofy gets a call from the principal at Max's school. The principal doesn't tell the complete truth of what happened when he is talking about Max. Goofy doesn't want Max to end up getting hurt or in trouble, that's when he get the idea to take for a road trip to Lake Destiny to fish and become closer to Max.

Max doesn't understand why his dad is acting the way he is. Max is off in his own world with the beautiful Roxanne. When his dad breaks the news of the road trip to Lake Density. Max isn't happy about it and doesn't want to be around his dad. As Goofy try's to become closer to Max. Max pushes his dad away. When everything seems to have failed Max finally understands where his dad is coming from. Max will always be his little boy no matter how old gets or what happens in his life.

The plot

The Goofy Movie is one of the best movies that I use to watch when I was a child. This is about a father that wants to become closer with his son. His son has other plans then hanging out with his dad all summer. When Goofy finds out Max has gotten in trouble in school by ruining an assembly. Goofy plans a road trip so he can become closer to Max. Goofy gives a little to much power to his son by giving him the map and letting him chose where to go and where to stop. While Goofy thinks there going to a Lake Density to go fishing Max is really taking them to LA. This all happens because instead of telling Roxanne (the girl he likes) that he is going on a fishing trip with his dad he lies and tells her that his dad knows Power Line (really popular band) and there going to the concert. Spoiler alert in the end Max and Goofy end up almost dead and Max tells his dad the truth about why he was acting the way he was. Goofy is more than excited to get Max to LA and get him on stage with Power Line, instead of taking him fishing. Goofy understands Max's views in the end of the movie and Max understands that his dad feeling and why he is so attached to him.

My opinion of the movie

The Goofy Movie is a heartfelt movie about a dad trying to spend time with his son and his son trying to get away from his dad. It has humor, lies and a little love to warp it all up. I think this is one of the best old Disney movies it's not a classic, but it might as well be. Everybody can learn a lesson from it. Every parent loves their kid with all their heart. As much as we hate it parents will always be there to embarrass us and make us feel really uncomfortable. Which is expressed in the second to last song of the movie. The song Nobody else but you, which shows that parents are always there to embarrass and love us and we will always be there to embarrass them in return.